Can a Fifth Wheel Be Considered a Second Home?

The other day I was trying to convince my parents I could live in a fifth wheel. To prove my point, I did some research to find out if this was even a possibility. Can a fifth wheel be considered a second home? To be considered a second home the fifth wheel must meet the…

Do Fifth Wheels Have Odometers?

If you are thinking of buying a fifth wheel, congratulations! They are awesome. But, if you are wondering about how to track their mileage, you will need to know that it is a little more involved than with a normal car. So, do fifth wheels have odometers? Fifth wheel trailers do not have odometers built…

Do Travel Trailers Have Built-In Generators?

Camping in a travel trailer is meant to make camping a little more easygoing, and having a generator along with your travel trailer makes things a whole lot easier. When your generator is built into your rig, you don’t have to worry about lugging along any extra weight or going outside to start things up….

Average Fifth Wheel Cost (with 21 examples!)

When buying a Fifth-Wheel there are a lot of things to consider, especially the price. So I went looking to find fifth-wheels at everyone’s price point. What are the average prices for a Fifth-Wheel? The average price of a Fifth-Wheel is going to be in the 25,000 to 100,000 dollar price range. There is a…

Can a Camper Be Used in the Winter?

If you have questioned if your camper is appropriate to use during the winter season, then I am here to help. I have researched the issue and come up with an answer to validate your questions regarding winter camping. Can a camper be used in the winter? If you’ve already winterized your camper for the…